
Tuesday 27 July 2010

In the most unlikely places...

This pic was taken in a small street near the Big Ben. At first I thought it was a strip of apartments, but if you look closely you will see they are restaurants.

Church Cathedral...

There are a lot of churches over here, and most of them look the same. This one is near London Bridge.

Pathway ...

Basically one of the many walkways you can walk to the other side of the river.

South Bank Street ...

This is one of the random streets near the river, basically you can see the typical architecture in London in which each building has its own style.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Walking along the river Thames ...

Not that I didn't have time to post new items, just that it took some time to edit pictures, condense the files and find enough bandwidth to upload them. Enjoy, as there is more to come...

This is a panoramic view of a small section of the river Thames, known as the South Bank. It wasn't the sunniest day for pictures but was for a long walk.