
Friday 21 May 2010

My First UK Job ...

As we all know, London can be quite expensive to live in. Therefore to supplement my lifestyle, I was able to get a temp job at Harrods.

For those who have not been to London before, it is basically a big department store similar to Holt Renfrew but a bit larger. Since there is only one in the world, it is a big tourist destination.

Apparently Harrods has 2 big sales every year, one in the summer and one in winter. I applied for a temp sales rep job, but I am currently doing some admin clerical work. The sale does not start until June, so do not now what is to come...

It is an interesting place to work, definately different. I have to walk through an underground tunnel every morning to get into the building. Employees are not allowed to use the main doors. Also, even with my employee discount, I still can't afford anything. lol!

Since most of my time was spent at Harrods, I wasn't able to update this blog as much. Will post up more pix in the next couple of days!

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